


多様性委託によって定義される社会規範: 社会の伝統的な構造に適合する、文化的に受け入れられた生活様式。伝統または汚名である場合があります。

- 決して違いによって人を判断しないでください。
- タイムリーに問題を解決します。
- 楽しいアイデアや体験を革新し続けます。
- 反人種差別活動に積極的に取り組みましょう。
- この事業の存続期間を通じて、当社のミッションステートメントを遵守します。
- できるときに恩返しをしましょう。
  • Challenge Social Norms

    Social Norms as Defined by Diversity Consignment: Culturally accepted ways of living that fit into the traditional structure of society. Can be traditions or stigmas. We vow to challenge social norms and inspire creativity for all.

  • Our Mission

    Create a safe space for all walks of life to feel comfortable trying on clothing that match their personal and individual identity while actively promoting the arts. We value human creativity and personal goals which is why we welcome and promote local artists, musicians, and designers.

  • We Vow To:

    -Never judge a person by their differences.
    -Solve problems in a timely a manner.
    -Continue to innovate on fun ideas and experiences.
    -Be active in anti-racism.
    -Stick to our mission statement throughout the lifespan of this business.
    -Give back when we can.

Dedication to Local Creators and Artists

We, as artists ourselves, love sharing the hard work put in by local creators. We're home to hundreds of local artists, creators, and brands and provide a platform that otherwise wouldn't exist for them to display, share, and sell their creations.